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Possessed: Revelations Of Oblivion (Import) cd-audio

Revelations Of Oblivion (Import)
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  • Precio:$15.900


There was a time in which genuine power was felt erupting from the sonic landscape that is now referred to as "old school" death metal. It's genesis was filled with a fresh and vibrant energy and it was the mighty Possessed who initially breathed life into this new and exciting genre. With writing that started in 1982, the first official death metal band created the now classic record "SEVEN CHURCHES" and established the face of the genre permanently. Sadly, like with many artistic pioneers, it was very early on in Possessed's existence that a grand tragedy struck which would put the band on hiatus for almost two decades.



1 Chant of Oblivion

2 No More Room in Hell

3 Dominion

4 Damned

5 Demon

6 Abandoned

7 Shadowcult

8 Omen

9 Ritual

10 The Word

11 Graven

12 Temple of Samael
