Beatlemania is sweeping the Criterion Collection! This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Beatles' beloved musical comedy a HARD DAY'S NIGHT, and to commemorate it we're releasing a jam-packed special edition of the film, featuring a new 4K digital restoration, a newly remixed 5.1 surround soundtrack, and hours of incredible supplements. DIRECTOR-APPROVED DUAL-FORMAT BLU-RAY AND DVD SPECIAL EDITION FEATURES: New 4K digital film restoration, approved by director Richard Lester, with two audio options-a monaural soundtrack and a new 5.1 surround soundtrack made by Apple Records-presented in uncompressed monaural and DTS-HD Master Audio on the Blu-ray. Audio commentary featuring various members of the film's cast and crew. In Their Own Voices, a new piece combining interviews with the Beatles from 1964 with behind-the-scenes footage and photos. You Can't Do That: The Making of "A Hard Day's Night," a 1994 documentary program by producer Walter Shenson. Things They Said Today, a 2002 documentary about the film featuring Lester, music producer George Martin, writer Alun Owen, cinematographer Gilbert Taylor, and others. The Running Jumping and Standing Still Film (1959), Lester's Oscar-nominated short featuring Peter Sellers and Spike Milligan. Anatomy of a Style, a new piece on Lester's approach to editing. New interview with Mark Lewisohn, author of Tune In: The Beatles: All These Years-Volume One. Plus deleted scenes, the trailer, and a a booklet featuring an essay by critic Howard Hampton. One Blu-ray and two DVDs, with all content available in both formats.
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